Thursday, September 16, 2010

good dancing

It's Friday! I remember when I used to say, "It's finally Friday," but I can't seem to feel very joyous about Fridays since all the days of the week just seem to come hurtling toward me and the next thing I know, it's Sunday again. Wasn't it just Sunday? Ugh.

Ina made something for Freebie Friday on Pink Teacup, and I'll be posting it later tonight: 

This is going to be on a lot of things I'm making in the future. So awesome. Thought of it randomly while thinking of love.

This is a postcard I sent today, that only makes sense for me and the recipient:

And I sent this to a super-sweet girl:

I'm going to make a bunch of these papercut cards for the shop:

Snapped a photo of my mom's thread tin:

And then I made myself a sandwich. It's yummier than it looks. Sorry.

I'm trying to convince my mom to make these coasters to sell. I think they're pretty, do you?

And now I think I'm going to go belt out all the Pocahontas songs I know. I just feel like it. 

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